速報APP / 教育 / School Connection

School Connection


檔案大小:110.7 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

School Connection(圖1)-速報App

Parents and Students: If your school has announced that they are using School Connection, install this app and subscribe to your school. The app is advertising-free and free to download.

School Connection(圖2)-速報App

School Administrators: For seven years, Appazur Solutions for Education has been providing school districts and schools with best-in-class branded mobile apps for school-to-home communication, along with email and text messaging. If you're not ready for a customized, branded solution but still want to connect with parents and students effectively, wherever they are, try the new School Connection app. This is a simple, inexpensive, easy to use and administer solution with all the core capabilities of the apps that Appazur is known for. A powerful backend "App Dashboard" will let you send messages and update calendars and other app content at any time. Communicate with your district, or just a school, grade, class, parent group, or extra-curricular group at any time. Teachers can schedule messages ahead of time, or have a 2-way conversation with a parent without giving out their phone number. Connect your website, social media, or email newsletter and get the word out to every parent and student with a single post. The app is advertising-free and free to download. Start your trial now! Learn more at http://www.appazur.com.

School Connection(圖3)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad